Wednesday, May 22

Finding Volume in Math

Finding volume in math article deals with the definition of volume and the formula for the various shapes and the model problems related to volume of various shapes.

Looking out for more help on Units of Volume in algebra by visiting listed websites.

Definition of Volume:

Volume is always measured in cube.units. It is defined as the space that is occupied by the entire three-dimensional shape.

Volume formula for various shapes in math.

Volume of the cube is a3 cubic units

Here “a” is the side of the cube.

Volume of the rectangular prism is L*B*H cubic units

Here L is length, B is breadth and H is the height.

Volume of the cylinder is BH cubic units

Here B is the base area and H is the height

Volume of the pyramid is `(1/3)` BH cubic units.

Here B is the base area and H is the height

Volume of the cone is `(1/3) ` BH cubic units.

Here B is the base area and H is the height

Model problem for finding volume in math.


1.  Finding volume of the cube when the side measures about 5 cm in length.


Since it is a cube, the formula

Volume of the cube is a3 cubic units

Here “a” is the side of the cube.

Here a= 5cm

The volume of the cube =53

=125 cm3

The volume of the cube is125cm3

2. Finding volume of the rectangular prism when the length = 8cm, breadth = 5cm and the height is 4cm.


Since it is a rectangular prism, the formula

Volume of the rectangular prism is L*B*H cubic units

Here L is length, B is breadth and H is the height
L= 8cm

B= 5cm

H = 4cm

Volume of the rectangular prism = (8* 5*4) cubic units.

= 160 cm3

Volume of the trectangular prism is 160cm3

3. Find the volume of the cylinder whose base area is 46m^2 and the height of the cylinder is 10m


Base area of the cylinder is 46m2

Height of the cylinder is 10m


Volume of the cylinder is BH cubic units

Here B is the base area and H is the height

= 46*10

= 460 m3

the volume of the cylinder is 460m3

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