Thursday, December 13

The Multiplication Rules

In algebra fundamental arithmetic procedure (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) in general used in day-to-day life. The multiplication defined as product of numbers. Multiplication is usually expressed in a*b or ab form. The multiplying numbers are having two terms i) Multiplicand and ii) Multiplier. In this article, we are going to discuss about the multiplication rules

The Multiplication Rules – Rules and Example Problems:

The multiplication rules - Rules:

Rule 1: The multiplication of two integers by the connected signs resolve be positive sign

a) Positive `xx` positive = positive

b) Negative `xx` negative = positive

Rule 2:  The multiplication of two integers by the different signs will be negative

a) Positive `xx` negative = negative

b) Negative `xx` positive = negative.

The multiplication rules – Example problems:

Example 1:

Evaluate 6802 `xx` 322


6802 `xx` 322








Therefore, the final answer is 2190244.

Example 2:

Find the solution for given problem

(- 9667) `xx` (- 26)


(- 9667) `xx` (- 26)







Therefore, the final answer is 251342.

Example 3:

Find the solution for given problem

8655 `xx` (- 124)


8654 `xx` (- 124)






- 1073096


So, the final answer is (- 1073096)
The Multiplication Rules – Practice Problems:

Practice problem 1:

Find the solution for given problem

(- 7897) `xx` (- 53)

Answer: So, the final answer is 418541

Practice problem 2:

Find the solution for given problem

(- 7790) `xx` (- 48)

Answer: So, the final answer is 373920

Practice problem 3:

There are 280 students in every class at the performing arts school. If there are 62 complete classrooms, how many students attend this school?

Answer: 17360 students attend this school

Practice problem 4:

Jesse wants his giant chocolate chip cookies to have 28 chips each. Today he is make 355 cookies. How many chips does he need?

Answer: 9940 chips does he need.

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