Monday, December 31

Solve Algebra Squared Fraction


In algebra, A certain part of the whole is called as fractions. The fractions can be denoted as a/b , Where a, b are integers. We can multiply two or more fractions. There are three types of fractions in math,

1) Proper fractions

2) Improper fractions

3) Mixed fractions

In this article we are going to see how to solve algebra squared fraction and some example solved problems on algebra squared fraction.

Solve Algebra Squared Fraction :

Steps to solve algebra squared fraction:

Step 1: We know that ( a/b)^n = a^n / b^n . So we can take square for the numerator and denominator.

Step 2: If it is possible we can simplify it.

Let us see the example problems.
Example Problems on Solve Algebra Squared Fraction :

Problem 1:

Solve (4/5)^2


Given , (4/5)^2

We need to squared the given fraction .


We know that ( a/b)^n  = a^n / b^n .

We can apply the above rule,

(4/5)^2 = 4^2 / 5^2

= 16 / 25

Answer: (4/5)^2 = 16 / 25

Problem 2:

Solve (3x / 4xy) ^ 2


Given, (3x / 4xy) ^ 2

We need to find the squared the given fraction,

We know that (a/b)^n = a^n / b^n .

(3x / 4xy) ^ 2 = ((3x) ^ 2) / ( (4xy)^2)

= (9x^2) / ( 16x^2y^2)

now we can simplify it,

Divide by x^2 on both numerator and denominator,

(9x^2) / ( 16x^2y^2) = (9x^2)/x^2 / ( 16x^2y^2) / x^2

= 9 / 16y^2

Answer: (3x / 4xy) ^ 2   = 9 / 16y^2

Problem 3:

Solve (( x^2 - 4 ) / ( x + 2) )^2

Solution :

Given , (( x^2 - 4 ) / ( x + 2) )^2

We need to find the squared the given fraction,

We know that ( a/b)^n = a^n / b^n .

(( x^2 - 4 ) / ( x + 2) )^2 = ( x^2 - 4 )^ 2 / ( x + 2)^2

Before that we can simplify the given fraction,

(( x^2 - 4 ) / ( x + 2) )^2 = (((x+2)(x-2))/ ( x + 2))^ 2

= ((x - 2)^2)

= x^2 - 2x + 4

Answer: (( x^2 - 4 ) / ( x + 2) )^2 = x^2 - 2x + 4

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