Monday, February 11

Percentage off Calculator

"Percentage off" - This is the term that is synonymous with "percentage discount". It is the discount on some purchase represented in the form of percentage. For example, "10 percent off on a particular purchase" implies that on every $ 100, $ 10 will be discounted. Thus if the purchase is of `$`  200, the discount will be $ 20, if the purchase is $ 250, the discount will be $ 10 + $ 10 + $ 5 = $ 25, and so on. The formula to calculate the actual value of discount when we know the discount percentage and the purchase value is:

Discount value = (discount percent * purchase value)/100

In words, the percentage off on a particular item is equal to the product of percentage discount and the cost price divided by hundred.

The final payable amount in a purchase is found by deducting all the given discounts from the cost price of articles purchased.

Solved examples on percentage off calculator

For example, David purchases a shirt worth $ 100, on which the percentage off is 5%, stationary worth $120, on which the percentage off is 12%, and a football worth $45 on which he percentage off is 7%. Find the final amount paid by David on his purchases.

Sol:- Percentage off calculator :

We have to calculate the discount in $ for each article and then subtract it from that article's cost price. Once all the discounted prices are calculated, they are all added to get the total payable amount by David.

Cost price of shirt = $ 100

Percentage off = 5%

Discount (in $) = 5% of 100

= 5/100 x 100

= $ 5

Discounted price = $ 100 – 5

= $ 95

Cost price of stationary = $ 120

Percentage off = 12%

Discount (in $) = 12% of 120

= 12/100 x 120

= $ 14.4

Discounted price = $ 120 – 14.4

= $ 105.6

Cost price of football = $ 45

Percentage off = 7%

Discount (in $) = 7% of 45

= 7/100 x 45

= $ 3.15

Discounted price = $ 45 – 3.15

= $ 41.85

Total payable amount = $ 41.85 + 105.6 + 95

= $ 242.45

Therefore, David has to pay $ 242.45 as the final price after deducting all given discounts.

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