Monday, January 28

Plane Distance Calculator

In a plane distance calculator we have the axes points such as (x,y) and this coordinates are placed on the quadrant, there are four quadrants for (x,y) axis. Origin is the center or starting point for the (x,y). In two dimension coordinate system we have the two x and y plane.We can measure the distance between plane by the formulas.In this article we have the formulas and the problems for finding the plane distance.

Plane Distance Calculator:

Distance between plane calculator can be measured by the following formualas and that can explained by the figur shown below. From the above figure we can clearly understand that the distance 'l' from the origin we can find the plane distance by the coordinates given.

D =  ` |d1-d2|/sqrt(A^2 + B^2 + C^2)`

distance between two plane

How to use plane distance calculator:

First seperate the d1,d2 and all othher parameters

Now, enter the parameters in the respective column

And get the result in the new column

Problems in Plane Distance Calculator:

Example 1:
Find the distance from the two plane 2x – 3y + 3z = 12 and –8x + 12y – 12z = 24.

First seperate the d1,d2 and all othher parameters
Now, enter the parameters in the respective column
And get the result in the new column

2x – 3y + 3z = 12
–8x + 12y – 12z = 24.  by dividing equation by 4   we get 2x - 3y + 3z = -6.
First sepearte the
Formula for find the distance between the plane

D =  ` |d1-d2|/sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + c^2)`

Here, a =2, b= -3 and c=3  d1= 12 d2 =-6

= | 12 - (-6) | / √(4 + 9 + 9)

= 18/√22

Example 2:

Find the distance between the parallel planes z = x + 2y + 1 and 3x + 6y - 3z = 4.


First seperate the a,b,c,d and all othher parameters

Now, enter the parameters in the respective column

And get the result in the new column

Formula for find the distance between the plane

D =  ` |ax_1+by_1+cz_1+d|/sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + c^2)`

Here, a =3, b= 6 and c=-3 d =-4

=  ` |3 xx 0+6xx0+(-3)xx1-4|/sqrt(3^2 + 6^2 + -3^2)`

= `7/sqrt54 `

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