Friday, November 9

Binomial Probability Function

Binomial probability Problems represented by B(n,p,x). It gives the probability of exactly x successes in ‘n’ Bernoullian trials, p being the probability of success in a trial. The constants n and p are called the parameters of the distribution. A Binomial distribution can be used under the following condition.

(i) any trial, result in a success or a failure

(ii) There are a finite number of trials which are independent.

(iii) The probability of success is the same in each trial.

In a Binomial distribution function mean is always greater than the variance. The binomial probability function example problems and practice problems are given below.
Example Problems - Binomial Probability Function:

Ex 1:  By using the binomial distribution. If the sum of mean and variance is 4.8 for  5 trials find the distribution

Solution:  np + npq = 4.8 , np(1 + q) = 4.8

5 p [1 + (1 − p) = 4.8

p2 − 2p + 0.96 = 0 , p = 1.2 , 0.8

p = 0.8 ; q = 0.2 [p cannot be greater than 1]

The Binomial distribution is P[X = x] = 5Cx (0.8)x (0.2)5−x,  x = 0 to 5

Practice Problem - Binomial Probability Function:

Pro 1: Find the value for p by using the Binomial distribution if n = 5and P(X = 3) = 2P(X = 2).

Ans: p = `(2)/(3)`

Pro 2: Find the probability values by using the binomial distribution.  A pair of dice is thrown 10 times. If getting a doublet is considered a success (i) 4 success (ii) No success.

Ans: (a) (35/216)(5/6)6

(b) (5/6)10

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