Friday, January 11

Generating Function of Exponential Distribution

In mathematics, generating function of exponential distribution is one of the most interesting distributions in probability theory and statistics. The random variable X has an exponential distribution along with the parameter λ, λ> 0. If its probability density function is given by

f(x) = lambdae^(-lambdax) ,         x >= 0

Otherwise, f(x) = 0, x < 0. The following are the moment generating functions and example problems in generating function of exponential distribution.

Generating Function of Exponential Distribution - Generating Function:

Generating function (or) Moment generating function:

Moment generating function of exponential distribution function can be referred as some random variable which contains the other definition for probability distribution. Moment generating function give the alternate way to analytical outcome compare and also it can be straightly working with the cumulative and probability density functions. Moment generating function can be denoted as Mx(t) (or) E(etx). Here we help to calculate the moment generating function for the exponential distribution function.

Mx(t) = E(etx) =int_-oo^ooe^(tx)f(x)dx

= int_0^ooe^(tx)(lambda e^(-lambdax))dx

= λ int_0^ooe^(tx)(e^(-lambdax))dx

= λ int_0^ooe^((t-lambda)x)dx

= λ [e^(((t- lambda)x)/(t- lambda))]^oo_0

= λ [e^(((t- lambda)oo)/(t- lambda)) - e^(((t- lambda)0)/(t- lambda)) ]

Here we use this eoo = 0, and also we use this e0 = 1

= λ [ 0 – 1/(t- lambda) ]

= λ [ -(1/-( lambda-t)) ]

= lambda [1/ (lambda-t)]

= lambda/( lambda-t)

Mx (t) = E (etx) = lambda/(lambda-t)

Generating Function of Exponential Distribution - Example Problem:

Example 1:

If X has probability density function f(x) = e-5x, x > 0. Determine the moment generating function E[g(x)], if g(x) = e11x/15



f(x) = e-5x

g(x) = e11x/15

E(g(x)] = E[e11x/15]

= int_0^ooe^((11x)/15)f(x)dx

=  int_0^ooe^((11x)/15) (e^(-5x))dx

= int_0^ooe^(-x(5-(11/15)))dx

= [e^((-x(5-11/15))/-(5-11/15))]^oo_0

=[(e^-oo- (e^0)/-(5-11/15)) ]

= [0+ 1/(5-11/15) ]

= [1/((75-11)/15) ]

= [1/(64/15) ]

= 15/64

E [g(x)] = 0.2344


E [g(x)] = 0.2344

Thursday, January 10

Pre Algebra Geometry

Geometry is one of a division of mathematics. Geometry is concerned with questions of size, shape, relative position of figures, and the properties of space. Geometry is one of the oldest sciences. Initially the body of the practical knowledge is concerning with the lengths, areas, and volumes. In this article we shall discuss about pre algebra geometry problem. (Source: wikipedia)
Sample Problem for Pre Algebra Geometry:

Problem 1:

Find the diameter of the given circle. A given radius value of the circle is 16 cm.



Radius of the circle is r = 16 cm

Diameter of the circle is d = 2r

d = 2 * 16

d = 32

So, the diameter of the circle is 32 cm2.

Problem 2:

Find the diameter of the circle. A given radius value of the circle is 20 cm.



Radius of the circle is r = 20 cm

Diameter of the circle is d = 2r

d = 2 * 20

d = 40

So, the diameter of the circle is 40 cm2.

Problem 3:

A triangle has a perimeter of 34. If the two sides are equal and the third side is 4 more than the equivalent sides, what is the length of the third side?


Let x = length of the equal side of a triangle

A formula for perimeter of triangle is

P = sum of the three sides of triangle

Plug in the values from the question

34 = x + x + x+ 4

Combine like terms

34 = 3x + 4

Isolate variable x

3x = 34 – 4

3x = 30

x = 10

The question requires length of the third side.

The length of third side is = 10 + 4 = 14

Answer: The length of third side triangle is 14.
Practice Problem for Pre Algebra Geometry:

Find the diameter of the circle. A given radius value of the circle is 14 cm.

Answer: d = 28 cm2

Find the radius of the circle. A given diameter value of the circle is 11 cm2.

Answer: 5.5 cm

Wednesday, January 9

Solving Word Percent Problems

In mathematics, a percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100. It is often denoted using the percent sign, "%", or the abbreviation "pct". Percentages are used to express how large/small one quantity is, relative to another quantity. The first quantity usually represents a part of, or a change in, the second quantity, which should be greater than zero. Source: Wikipedia.
Solving Word Percent Problems

Solving percent problems - Example

Example 1: What percent of 30 is 60?


30 × `x/100` = 60

30x = 6000

x = 200

Therefore 60 is 200 percent of 30.

Example 2: What is 45% of 250?


`45/100`  × 250 = x

45 × 250 = 100x

x = `11250/100` = 112.5

Therefore 45 percent of 250 is 112.5.

Example 3:  25% of what is 15?


`25/100` × (x) = 15

25x = 1500

x = 60

Therefore 25 percent of 60 is 15.

Example 4: What is the percentage increase from 14 to 24?


Increase = 24 - 14 = 10

Percentage increase = (Change in value / Original value) × 100%

Percentage increase = `10/14` ×100% = 71.42%

Therefore 71.42% increase from 14 to 24.

Example 5: Last month, Anita earned $300. This month she earned $450. Calculate the percentage increase in her earnings.


Increase = $450 - $300 = $150

Percentage increase = (Change in value / Original value) × 100%

Percentage increase = `150/300` × 100% = 50%

Therefore percentage increase in her earnings is 50%.

Example 6: What is the percentage decrease from 30 to 14?


Decrease = 30 – 14 = 16

Percentage decrease = (Change in value / Original value) × 100%

Percentage decrease = `16/30` × 100% = 53.33%

Therefore 53.33% decrease from 30 to 14.

Example 7: Last month, Anita earned $400. This month she earned $340. Calculate the percentage decrease in her earnings.


Decrease = $400 - $340 = $60

Percentage decrease = Change in value / Original value × 100%

Percentage decrease = `60/400` × 100% = 15%

The percentage decrease in her earnings is 15%.
Solving Word Percent Problems

Solving percent problems - Practice

Problem 1: What is 28% of 150?

Problem 2: Harry earned $270 in last month. He earned $370 this month. Calculate the percentage increase in his earnings.

Problem 3: Wilson earned $340 in last month. He earned $250 in this month. Calculate the percentage decrease in his earnings.

Answer: 1) 42 2) 37.03 3) 26.47

Monday, January 7

Number of Sides in a Pentagon

In geometry, a pentagon is a polygon with five sides. In a simple pentagon the sum of internal angles are about 540°. For example pentagram is a self-intersecting pentagon. Pentagon may be classified into regular and irregular. A pentagon that contains equal sides and equal internal angles are said to be regular pentagon otherwise the pentagon is irregular.pentagon

Number of Sides in a Pentagon:

The term penta indicates 5 .Hence the number of sides in a pentagon are 5 and the number of angles in a pentagon is 5.

A pentagon contains 712.694 million separate parallel lines.

Pentagon doesn’t have parallel lines.

Area of the pentagon = (perimeter of a polygon x apothem) ÷2

Where perimeter of a polygon = 5 x side.

The following are the other polygonal shapes with their sides.

Tetragon - 4 sides

Hexagon- 6 sides

Heptagon- 7 sides

Octagon- 8 sides

Nonagon Enneagon- 9 sides

Decagon-10 sides

Undecagon- 11 sides

Dodecagon- 12 sides

Properties of pentagon:

Number of diagonals:

Number of diagonals in a pentagon is 5

The number of different diagonals possible from all vertices.

Number of triangles:

Number of triangles in a pentagon is 10.

The number of triangles formed by sketching the diagonals from a given vertex.

Sum of interior angles:

Sum of interior angles of a pentagon is 540° in general 180(n–2) degrees.

Example Problem- Number of Sides in a Pentagon:

Example 1:

Find the perimeter of a regular pentagon whose side is 5ft.


Given that, side = 5ft.

For a regular pentagon all the sides are equal.

Therefore the perimeter of a regular pentagon = 5 x side.

= 5 x 5 =25ft.

Example 2:

Find area, from the apothem and the perimeter of a polygon is 4ft and 20ft.


Given that, apothem = 4ft.

Perimeter = 20ft

Area of the pentagon = (perimeter of a polygon x apothem) ÷2

= (20 x 4) ÷2.

= 10 x 4.

= 40ft2

Friday, January 4

Boolean Algebra

Boolean Algebra is a branch of mathematic logics  whose use of symbols and  theory, set to represent the logical operations in the form of mathematics. This is the first logic which uses algebra and different methods for combining symbols used in proofs as well as deduction.

A Boolean Algebra is defined as:

It is  a set, having two special elements i.e, 0 and 1.
Algebra having three types of operations , which are
sum of two elements ("+"),
product sum of two elements  ("*") and
complement sum of two elements (" ' " or "prime")

these operations need to satisfy the Commutative axiom, Distributive axiom , Identity axiom (not including the boundedness identities) and Complement axiom.

These above axioms are almost equal to commutative property ,distributive property, identity property and complement property. Here we call them axioms because they are assumptions.

Boolean Algebra contains:

A  set of all propositions
The special characteristic elements - True  (1) i.e T  and False (0) i.e, F.
Three operations are
AND (product),
OR (sum) and
NOT (complement).

Laws of Boolean Algebra Axioms

To do any kind of operations using real numbers, they  depends on commutative axiom, associative axiom, and distributive axiom. In algebraic form these axioms  are expressed with letters or symbols, which are used to indicate an unknown number.

Commutative axiom

The commutative axioms explains that, numbers can be used for addition or multiplication in any manner.

Commutative axiom of Addition:

a + b = b + a        ( using addition law )

Commutative axiom of Multiplication:

a(b) = b(a)           ( using multiplication law )

Associative axiom

The associative axioms explain that, numbers which are used in addition or multiplication, also it can be grouped or regrouped in anyorder.

Associative Law of Addition:

a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c      ( using addition law )

Associative Law of Multiplication:

a(bc) = (ab)c                ( using multiplication law )

Distributive axiom

The distributive axioms are used for  both addition as well as  multiplication and state the following.

Distributive axiom for addition :

a(b + c) = ab + ac        ( using addition law )

Distributive axiom for multiplication :

(a + b)c = ac + bc             ( using multiplication law )

Identity axiom

Identity axiom for multiplication :

x · x = x                 ( using multiplication law )

Identity axiom for addition :

x + x = x                ( using addition law )

Zero Property in Boolean algebra axioms

0 · x = 0                  ( using multiplication law )

0 + x = x                   ( using addition law )

One Property  in Boolean algebra axioms

1 + x = 1                  ( using addition law )

1. x = x                     ( using multiplication law )
Examples on Boolean Algebra:

1)  `5xx(8+9)` = `5xx8 + 5xx9` ( USING DISTRIBUTIVE AXIOM  FOR MULTIPLICATION )

= `40 + 45`

=` 85`

= 5 x 8+5 x 9



4)` 6xx1 = 6 ` (BY USING PROPERTY FOR ONE)
Practice Problems on Boolean Algebra:

1) Prove that  C+(A×B)=(C+A)×(C+B) by using Boolean algebra axioms

2) Prove that B+(C×A)=(B+C)×(B+A) by using Boolean algebra axioms

Thursday, January 3

Practical uses for Algebra

Algebra been used in all parts of our life activities either directly or indirectly.  If we want to find some interest which may recur with amount, we can apply progressions.  To see some different arrangements or combinations between available sources, we apply permutation and combination. To prove a generalized statement, we can apply mathematical Induction so on.

Let us see few problems of this kind.
Example Problem on Practical Uses for Algebra:

Ex 1: Peter buys a truck for dollar 120,000.  He pays half of the amount by cash. That is, dollar 60,000.  The remainingdollar 60,000, he pays in 12 annual installments of dollar 5000 each.  If the rate of interest is 12% and he pays with the installment the interest due on the unpaid amount, find the total cost of the truck.

Sol:  First installment = 5000 + 12% of 60,000

= 5000 + `12/100 xx` 60000

= $ 12,200.

Second Installment = 5000 + 12% of 55,000   = 5000 + `12 /100 xx` 55,000

= $ 11600.

Third Installment   = 5000 + `12/100 xx` 50,000

= $ 11,000

Since the common difference of the amount is $600,

Total cost of the shop = 60,000 + sum of the 12 installments.

= 60,000 + `12/2` [2` xx` 12,200 + (12 – 1) (- 600)]

= 60,000 + 6 [24,400 – 6,600]

= $ 1, 66,800.
More Example Problem on Practical Uses for Algebra:

2. A father is three times a old as his son.  In 12 years time, he will be twice as old as his son.  Find the present ages of father and son.

Solution: Let x and y be the present ages of father and his son respectively.

Given:  x = 3y `implies` x – 3 y = 0 -------- (1)

Also, x + 12 = 2 (y + 12)` implies` x + 12 = 2y + 24

`implies` x – 2y = 12 -------------------------- (2)

Therefore (1) – (2) `implies` x – 3y = 0

- x + 2y = - 12

`implies` - y = - 12 `implies` y = 12.

Therefore (1)` implies` x – 3 (12) = 0

`implies` x = 36.

Therefore the age of the father is 36 and his son’s age is 12.

Wednesday, January 2

Steps to Solving Quadratic Equations

In mathematics, an equation with second degree and one variable is called quadratic equation. The general equation for quadratic equation is given by,

A x2 + B x + C =0

Here x represents the variable and A, B, and C are constants, with a ≠ 0. (When a = 0, the equation is named as linear equation.)

The constant A, B, and C are expressed as quadratic coefficient, linear coefficient and the constant expression or release expression.

Steps to Solving Quadratic Equations Example 1:

5x² - x – 6 = 0, solving the factor for the given quadratic equation.


Now, we can find the factor for the given quadratic equation

5x2 + 5x - 6x - 6 = 0

Now get the value for 5x from the primary term and 6 from secondary term.

5x (x + 1) - 6(x + 1) = 0

Now we can combine the similar term (x +1)

(5x - 6) (x + 1) = 0

To get the value for x we can associate the factor to zero

x + 1 = 0   or   5x – 6 = 0

x = - 1        or   5x = 6

x = 6 / 5

Thus, the factors  x1 and x2 are -1, 6/5.
Steps to solving quadratic equations Example 2:

3x² - 6 = -3x solving the factor for the given quadratic equation and solving the sum and product of quadratic equation.


Fetch the -3x over: 3x² + 3x - 6 = 0

Separate 3x as 6x and -3x,

3x² + 6x - 3x - 6 = 0

Take out 3x from first two terms and 3 as common from next two terms

3x(x + 2) – 3(x + 2)  = 0

Thus, the factors are: (3x - 3) (x + 2) = 0

Modulate both expressions to zero: 3x - 3 = 0 and x + 2 = 0

3x - 3 = 0            x + 2 = 0

3x = 3                   x = - 2

x =  3/3

x = 1

So, the factors for x are  1, -2

Sum of the roots:

To find sum of roots consider the factor as x1 and x2

The sum of the roots  = x1 + x2 = (1) + (-2)

Sum of the roots = -1

Product of the roots:

To find product of roots consider the factors as x1 and x2

The product of the roots is given by x1x2 = (1)(-2)

Product of roots = -2

Quadratic Equation

ax2 +bx + c = 0

Values of

‘a’, ‘b’ and ‘c’

One Root


Other Root


Sum of Roots

(x1 + x2)

Product of Roots


3x² +3x - 6 = 0

a = 3, b = 3, c = -6





Steps to Solving Quadratic Equation Example 3:

Solving the value for x, to the given quadratic equation x2 + 5x + 4 = 0.


Steps 1: To find the factor for the given quadratic equation, find the multiplicative value for the 4 and the sum of root value for 5

x2 + 1x + 4x + 4 = 0

Steps 2: Now obtain x as similar from the primary term and 4 as similar from last two term.

x (x +1) + 4(x + 1) = 0

Steps 3: Now we can unite similar term (x +1)

(x + 1) (x + 4) = 0

Steps 4: To obtain the value of x we can associate the factor to zero

x + 1 = 0   or   x + 4 = 0

x = - 1        or   x = -4.

Steps 5: Thus, the factors are x are -1, - 4.